- 髪の成長のためのヘナの利点
- 1.頭皮の健康を維持します
- 2.石油生産とpHレベルのバランスをとる
- 3.髪の成長を促進し、抜け毛を減らします
- 4.髪を修復して強化します
- 5.コンディションヘア
- 6.薬用
- 髪の成長のためのヘナ–副作用と注意事項
- 髪の成長のためにヘナを準備する方法
- How To Use Henna For Hair Growth
- 1. Amla Powder And Henna
- 2. Aloe Vera And Henna
- 3. Coconut Milk And Henna For Hair
- 4. Beetroot And Henna For Hair
- 5. Egg And Henna For Hair
- 6. Curd And Henna For Hair
- 7. Castor Oil And Henna For Hair
- 16 sources
- パラフェニレンジアミンは、皮膚に接触すると副作用を引き起こす可能性のあるアレルゲンです。最初の数回の使用では反応がないかもしれませんが、皮膚が化学物質と接触するほど、アレルギー反応を起こす可能性が高くなります(8)。
- ヘナパウダーに添加された化学物質も非常に乾燥している可能性があります。彼らはあなたの髪を過剰に処理してしまい、髪が荒く、乾燥し、扱いにくくなる可能性があります。これは、破損、髪の質感の悪さ、非常に扱いにくい髪などの問題につながる可能性があります。
- ヘナが目に触れると、赤み、炎症、涙目、かゆみを引き起こす可能性があります(9)。このような場合は、すぐに冷水で目を洗い流してください。問題が解決しない場合は、できるだけ早く目の専門家に相談してください。
- ヘナパウダー1/2カップ
- 1/4カップのお湯
- 手袋
- ココナッツオイル
- アプリケーターブラシ
- シャワーキャップ
12時間/ 5分
- ヘナパウダーと水をガラスのボウルに入れて、厚く滑らかで広がりのある粘稠度になるまで混ぜます。
- Set this aside for about 12 hours for the color to develop. If you do not want the color to develop, you can start applying the mixture to your hair.
- Apply some coconut oil to your hairline, ears, and neck to keep them protected from the color.
- Throw on some gloves and start applying the mixture to your hair with an applicator brush. Start from the roots and make your way to the tips.
- Wrap each section around the top of your crown as you apply the henna so that you end up with a bun.
- Once all of your hair is covered in the mixture, cover your head with a shower cap and wait for a couple of hours.
- Rinse the henna out of your hair with shampoo. Skip conditioning.
- Let your hair air dry.
How Often?
Once a month.
Henna, by itself, is an excellent ingredient for hair growth. However, using it in combination with other ingredients can improve its efficiency. Here’s a list of seven henna hair treatments that help boost hair growth.
How To Use Henna For Hair Growth
1. Amla Powder And Henna
Amla has high vitamin C, iron, and carotene contents that help stimulate and boost hair growth (4). The vitamin C helps boost collagen levels, which, in turn, results in faster hair growth (10).
You Will Need
- 1/2 cup henna powder
- 2 tablespoons amla powder
- 1/4 cup warm water
- Gloves
- Coconut oil
- Applicator brush
- Shower cap
Prep Time
12 hours/5 minutes
Processing Time
2-3 hours
- Mix the henna and amla powders with warm water until you get a thick, smooth, and spreadable consistency. You can add more water if the mixture seems too thick.
- Set this aside for about 12 hours for the color to develop. If you do not want the color to go too deep, you can simply start applying the mixture to your hair. Amla powder helps neutralize the warm tones that henna imparts to your hair.
- Apply some coconut oil to your hairline, ears, and neck to keep them protected from the color.
- Throw on some gloves and start applying the mixture to your hair with an applicator brush. Start from the roots and make your way to the tips.
- Wrap each section around the top of your crown as you apply the henna so that you end up with a bun.
- Once all of your hair is covered in the mixture, cover your head with a shower cap and wait for a couple of hours.
- Rinse the henna out of your hair with shampoo. Skip conditioning.
- Let your hair air dry.
How Often?
Once a month.
2. Aloe Vera And Henna
Aloe vera is another ingredient that can help in promoting hair growth (11). In this pack, it helps condition your hair and keeps it from drying out. It also boosts scalp health, fighting off issues like dandruff and scalp irritation/aggravation.
You Will Need
- 1 cup fresh henna leaves
- 1 aloe vera leaf
- Gloves
- Coconut oil
- Applicator brush
- Shower cap
Prep Time
5 minutes
Processing Time
30 minutes
- Wash the aloe vera and henna leaves.
- Using a knife, slice off the thorns that are on the sides of the aloe vera leaf. Chop the leaf into small pieces, with the skin still on.
- Grind the aloe and henna leaves together until you get a smooth green paste.
- Apply some coconut oil to your hairline, ears, and neck to keep them protected from the color.
- Throw on some gloves and start applying the mixture to your hair with an applicator brush. Start from the roots and make your way to the tips.
- Wrap each section around the top of your crown as you apply the henna so that you end up with a bun.
- Once all of your hair is covered in the mixture, cover your head with a shower cap and wait for a couple of hours.
- Rinse the henna out of your hair with shampoo. Skip conditioning.
- Let your hair air dry.
How Often?
Once a month.
3. Coconut Milk And Henna For Hair
This henna and coconut milk hair pack is an excellent deep conditioning treatment. It not only boosts hair growth but also repairs your hair and makes it super manageable. This treatment tackles dryness, prevents split ends, and adds shine to your hair (6).
You Will Need
- 2/3 cup henna powder
- 1 can coconut milk
- 4 tablespoons coconut oil (optional)
- Gloves
- Applicator brush
- Shower cap
Prep Time
12 hours/5 minutes
Processing Time
2-3 hours
- Mix henna powder and coconut milk in a glass bowl until you get a smooth mixture.
- Set the mixture aside for about 12 hours so that the color develops. If you do not want to color your hair, you can skip this step.
- Optionally, you can add four tablespoons of coconut oil to the mixture once you’ve let the color develop. But, keep in mind that this is only for dry hair types and that it inhibits the color from transferring onto your hair.
- Apply some coconut oil to your hairline, ears, and neck to keep them protected from the color.
- Throw on some gloves and start applying the mixture to your hair with an applicator brush. Start from the roots and make your way to the tips.
- Wrap each section around the top of your crown as you apply the henna so that you end up with a bun.
- Once all of your hair is covered in the mixture, cover your head with a shower cap and wait for a couple of hours.
- Rinse the henna out of your hair with shampoo. Skip conditioning.
- Let the hair dry out.
How Often?
Once a month.
4. Beetroot And Henna For Hair
Beetroot contains folate, which is important to prevent hair fall and graying (12). It has antioxidant and anti- inflammatory properties (13). These may help keep the scalp clean and reduce oxidative stress. It nourishes your follicles while also boosting the color that is being imparted to your hair from the henna.
You Will Need
- 1 cup grated beetroot
- 1 cup henna powder
- 2 cups water
- Coconut oil
- Gloves
- Applicator brush
- Shower cap
Prep Time
20 minutes + 2 hours
Processing Time
2-3 hours
- Add the grated beetroot to water and bring it to a boil in a pot. Once the water is boiling, lower the heat and let the water reduce to half of its quantity. Set aside to cool.
- Once cooled, blend the grated beetroot with water to get beetroot puree. Add a cup of henna powder to this and mix well.
- Set this mixture aside for at least 2 hours to let it develop.
- Apply some coconut oil to your hairline, ears, and neck to keep them protected from the color.
- Throw on some gloves and start applying the mixture to your hair with an applicator brush. Start from the roots and make your way to the tips.
- Wrap each section around the top of your crown as you apply the henna so that you end up with a bun.
- Once all of your hair is covered in the mixture, cover your head with a shower cap and wait for a couple of hours.
- Rinse the henna out of your hair with shampoo. Skip conditioning.
- Let your hair air dry.
How Often?
Once a month.
5. Egg And Henna For Hair
This henna hair mask also doubles as a protein treatment. Eggs contain peptides that can boost hair growth (14). The lemon juice nourishes your scalp with vitamin C, which, in turn, gives it a collagen boost, promoting faster hair growth.
You Will Need
- 1 egg
- 1 cup henna
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 cup lemon juice
- Coconut oil
- Gloves
- Applicator brush
- Shower cap
Prep Time
1 hour + 10 minutes
Processing Time
2 hours
- Mix a cup of henna powder, an egg, and a cup of water in a glass bowl until you get a consistent mixture. Let this develop for about an hour.
- After an hour has passed, add half a cup of lemon juice to the mixture and mix well.
- Apply some coconut oil to your hairline, ears, and neck to keep them protected from the color.
- Throw on some gloves and start applying the mixture to your hair with an applicator brush. Start from the roots and make your way to the tips.
- Wrap each section around the top of your crown as you apply the henna so that you end up with a bun.
- Once all of your hair is covered in the mixture, cover your head with a shower cap and wait for a couple of hours.
- Rinse the henna out of your hair with shampoo. Skip conditioning.
- Let your hair air dry.
How Often?
Once a month.
6. Curd And Henna For Hair
Curd conditions the hair and makes it soft and healthy (15). It contains probiotic bacteria that maintain scalp health. It also helps reduce and prevent dandruff.
You Will Need
• 1/4 cup henna
• 2/3 cup curd
• Heat pack
• Coconut oil
• Gloves
• Applicator brush
• Shower cap
Prep Time
1 hour
Processing Time
2 hours
1. Mix a quarter cup of henna powder and two-thirds of a cup of curd in a glass bowl until you get a consistent mixture. Let this develop for about an hour.
2. Wrap a heat pack around the bowl for added heat while the mixture develops.
3. After the hour has passed, apply some coconut oil to your hairline, ears, and neck to keep them protected from the color.
4. Throw on some gloves and start applying the mixture to your hair with an applicator brush. Start from the roots and make your way to the tips.
5. Wrap each section around the top of your crown as you apply the henna so that you end up with a bun.
6. Once all of your hair is covered in the mixture, cover your head with a shower cap and wait for a couple of hours.
7. Rinse the henna out of your hair with shampoo. Skip conditioning.
8. Let your hair air dry.
How Often?
Once a month.
7. Castor Oil And Henna For Hair
Castor oil is a well-known hair conditioner, trusted by many as evidenced by the plethora of anecdotal backing. It is known to help preserve hair endings and prevent hair damage (6). It can help prevent hair loss and dandruff and enhance your hair’s natural pigmentation. It also antifungal and anti-inflammatory (16).
You Will Need
• 2 cups henna leaves
• 500 ml castor oil
• Gloves
• Shower cap
• Hot towel
Prep Time
2 minutes
Processing Time
1 hour
- Combine the ingredients in a glass jar and shake it well.
- Take about 2 tablespoons of the mixture and heat it for a couple of seconds until it is slightly warm. Store the rest away in a cool, dark place for later use.
- Wear your gloves and start massaging the mixture into your scalp. Slowly work it through the length of your hair.
- Massage your scalp for about 15 minutes and leave the oil in for an additional 45 minutes.
- Cover your hair with a shower cap while you wait. Wrap a hot towel around the shower cap for added heat.
- Shampoo your hair and condition.
- Let your hair air dry.
How Often?
1-2 times a week.
- Why buy expensive hair treatment products when you can make your own? These henna treatments can not only aid faster hair growth but also give you healthy hair with vibrant color.
16 sources
Stylecrazeには厳格な調達ガイドラインがあり、査読済みの研究、学術研究機関、および医師会に依存しています。3次参照の使用は避けます。編集ポリシーを読むことで、コンテンツが正確で最新であることを保証する方法について詳しく知ることができます。- ボディーアートから抗がん作用まで:ヘナの薬効に関する展望、現在の創薬ターゲット、米国国立医学図書館、国立衛生研究所。
- Lawsonia Inermis Linn(ヘナ)のinvitro抗菌活性。オマーンヘナに関するパイロット研究、サウジメディカルジャーナル、米国国立医学図書館、国立衛生研究所。
- In vitro study of the effects of Henna extracts (Lawsonia inermis) on Malassezia species, Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology, ResearchGate.
- Synthesis And Evaluation Of Herbal Based Hair Dye, The Open Dermatology Journal, benthamopen.com/contents/pdf/TODJ/TODJ-12-90.pdf
- Comparison of the efficacy of topical lawsonia inermis and topical minoxidil in the treatment of telogen effluvium, Semantic Scholar.
- Ethnopharmacological Survey Of Home Remedies Used For Treatment Of Hair And Scalp And Their Methods Of Preparation In The West Bank-Palestine, BMC Complementary And Alternative Medicine, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institute Of Health.
- Lawsonia inermis Linnaeus: A Phytopharmacological Review, Semantic Scholar.
- Determination of para-Phenylenediamine (PPD) in Henna in the United Arab Emirates, International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institute Of Health.
- An Allergic Reaction to Henna Used in a Traditional Painting Ceremony, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institute Of Health.
- The Role Of Vitamin C In Skin Health, MDPI Nutrients, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institute Of Health.
- Invivo Hair Growth Activity Of Herbal Formulations, International Journal Of Pharmacology, Science Alert.
- Nutrition of women with hair loss problem during the period of menopause, Menopause Review, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institute Of Health.
- The Potential Benefits of Red Beetroot Supplementation in Health and Disease, MDPI Nutrients, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institute Of Health.
- Naturally Occurring Hair Growth Peptide: Water-Soluble Chicken Egg Yolk Peptides Stimulate Hair Growth Through Induction of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Production, Journal of Medicinal Food, US National Library Of Medicine, National Institute Of Health.
- Curd: A Sedative With A Bowl Of Useful Side Effects, International Research Journal Of Pharmacy.
- Physiological and Medicinal Properties of Castor Oil, Food Oils, ResearchGate.