- ヘアトナーとは何ですか?
- トナーはどのようにして不要な暖かいトーンを取り除きますか?
- トナーについて知っておくべきこと
- 自宅でDIYヘアトナーを作る方法
- あなたの台所からの材料を使用してください
- 1.重曹シャンプー
- 2. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
- 3. Hollyhock Herbal Toner
- 4. Lemon For Toning
- 5. Green Tea For Toning
- 6. Virgin Olive Oil
- 7. Indigo For Toning
- Hair Dye Boxes And Food Coloring
- 1. Ash Blonde Box Dye
- 2. Purple Dye
- 3. Green Dye
- Why Opt For Homemade Hair Toner Solutions?
- 6 sources
- 真っ赤なオレンジ色の髪には青いトナーが必要であり、その逆も同様です。
- 真っ赤な黄色の髪には紫色のトナーが必要であり、その逆も同様です。
- トナーは、色を持ち上げることなく、色付きの髪の色調を変更します。
- それらは主にブリーチされたブロンドの髪に使用されます。
- それらは髪をクールな色調に見せ、髪の色にポップ(ピンクまたは紫)の色合いを加えることもできます。
- トナーを使用して、髪の色に次元を追加することもできます。
- 調色後すぐに髪を洗わないでください。
- 髪の質感にもよりますが、2〜8週間ごとに髪のトーンを変える必要があります。
- 髪を洗うほど、髪の色を定義するためにトナーを使用する必要があります。
- 3つの主要なヘアトナー製品があります:紫と銀のシャンプー、染毛剤、およびアンモニアトナー。
- 髪の色を整えたら、色あせを防ぐために太陽から髪を保護します。
- ブリーチした髪や引き締まった髪へのスタイリング剤の使用を制限します。
- 漂白すると髪が細く乾燥します。リーブインコンディショナーとヘアマスクを使用して、髪に潤いを与えます。
- 硫酸塩を含まないシャンプー、青と紫の食用色素2滴、重曹小さじ1が必要です。
- 水差しで、材料を大さじ数杯の水と混ぜ合わせます。それを脇に置き、髪をすすぐことに進みます。
- 水で髪をすすいだ後、取っておいたシャンプー混合物を使って髪を洗います。
- シャンプーを洗い流す前に、5〜10分間髪につけたままにします。
- これをコンディショナーでフォローアップします(コンディショナーに食用色素を数滴追加して、さらに調子を整えることができます)。
- Do not use this shampoo mixture more than once a week as it can dry your hair. On the other days of the week, you can use a regular sulfate-free shampoo with a few drops of purple and blue food color.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
Apple cider vinegar is mildly acidic (2). Dull hair has a higher pH, and ACV can help lower the pH and restore balance to hair. Hence, it can help in getting rid of orange/yellow tones. It also acts as a deep cleanser to remove product build-up. However, there is no research to verify its efficacy.
- Dilute 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of water in a jug.
- Pour the mixture through your hair and leave it in for 15 minutes.
- Rinse your hair with lukewarm/cool water.
- Do not use this mixture more than 3 times a month as apple cider vinegar can dry your hair.
3. Hollyhock Herbal Toner
Hollyhock, like apple cider vinegar, can help remove unwanted warm tones from your hair.
- You’ll need 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of hollyhock herb, and 1 cup of water.
- Boil the ingredients until you get a thick liquid. Set it aside to cool.
- Once the mixture has cooled, apply it to your hair.
- Leave it in for 10 minutes and then rinse it out using cool/lukewarm water and a sulfate-free shampoo.
- Do not use this hair toning solution more than once a week.
4. Lemon For Toning
Anecdotal evidence suggests that lemon can help in bleaching hair. Honey has humectant and emollient properties, which can help condition your hair (3). Using this mixture a couple of times can tone your hair to make it at least a couple of shades lighter.
- Take ¼ cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a spray bottle and add ¾ cup of water to it.
- Add in 2 tablespoons of honey to the blend and shake the bottle well.
- Spray the honey-lemon mixture onto your hair. Ensure that you aren’t saturating your scalp with the mixture.
- Leave it in for 2 hours.
- Try to spend 30 minutes of these 2 hours out in the sun.
- Rinse the mixture out with a sulfate-free shampoo and condition your hair.
- Do not use this mixture more than 3 times in a month.
5. Green Tea For Toning
Green tea was shown to promote hair growth in the dermal papilla cells of the scalp (4). Its green color is not too strong, which makes it a good toner. Depending on the color of your hair, you can try black or oolong tea as well.
- Take 3 bags of green tea and boil it with 2 cups of water.
- Wait for it to obtain a light green shade.
- Apply it to your hair and wait for about 30 mins.
- Keep checking your hair to see if the desired color has been achieved.
- Wash it off.
6. Virgin Olive Oil
A study shows that olive oil can not only aid hair growth and prevent hair damage but also enhance the hair color (5). If you had slightly darker hair before bleaching or coloring your hair, olive oil could help darken your hair pigments to balance brassy tones.
- Depending on the length of your hair, take some virgin olive oil in a bowl and heat it up.
- Massage the oil into your scalp for an hour.
- Wash it off with sulfate-free shampoo.
7. Indigo For Toning
The dark indigo color is obtained from the indican substances from the indigofera tinctoria plant. Indigo can enhance the color and shine of your hair (6). This color will help even out brassy orange tones.
- Take 1 tablespoon of indigo powder and mix it with 4 tablespoons of white conditioner.
- Apply the mix to your hair.
- Keep checking your hair color.
- Once the desired color is achieved, wash off the mix with water and a sulfate-free shampoo.
Hair Dye Boxes And Food Coloring
1. Ash Blonde Box Dye
Ash-toned box dyes help remove yellow/orange tones. They do this by neutralizing the warm tones with cool ones.
- You will need an ash blonde dye box, gloves, a mixing bowl, and an applicator brush.
- Following the instructions on the box, mix the dye in a plastic bowl.
- Apply the dye to your hair and leave it in for the amount of time specified on the box. (usually 30 minutes.)
- Wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo and condition.
- You will only need to do this once.
2. Purple Dye
Purple and blue are the most common colors used to tone yellow/orange hair. They are on the opposite end of the color spectrum and help neutralize the warm tones.
- You will need 1 tablespoon of purple hair dye and 3 tablespoons of conditioner.
- Combine the ingredients in a mixing bowl until you get a lavender mixture.
- Apply this to the parts of your hair that need toning.
- Leave it in for 30 minutes and then wash it out with a sulfate-free shampoo.
- Repeat every time your hair starts to take on yellow tones.
3. Green Dye
- Add 2-3 drops of green food color to your conditioner or 2 drops of green food color and 1 drop of blue food color if you have more orange tones.
- After shampooing your hair well, apply the mixture to your hair, and leave it on for 10 minutes.
- Wash it off with cool water.
Why Opt For Homemade Hair Toner Solutions?
These toning solutions are not likely to get rid of strong orange tones. In such a situation, you can always get a professional to tone your hair. But light yellow tones are easy to tone out without the added expense of getting a salon treatment.
Subtle changes in your hair care routine, such as switching to a sulfate-free shampoo, and regularly using clarifying treatments, go a long way when it comes to keeping warm tones out of your hair. Most of these treatments are also not as harsh as a chemical toning session would be.
Keeping the warm tones out of your hair takes a bit of work, but the gorgeous color you get at the end of the day makes all the efforts worth it.
6 sources
Stylecrazeには厳格な調達ガイドラインがあり、査読済みの研究、学術研究機関、および医師会に依存しています。3次参照の使用は避けます。編集ポリシーを読むことで、コンテンツが正確で最新であることを保証する方法について詳しく知ることができます。- シャンプーのpHは髪に影響を与える可能性があります:神話か現実か?International Journal of Trichology、米国国立医学図書館、国立衛生研究所。
- 酢:薬用および抗血糖効果、Medscape General Medicine、米国国立医学図書館、国立衛生研究所。
- Honey in dermatology and skin care: a review. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Human hair growth enhancement in vitro by green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Phytomedicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Ethnopharmacological survey of home remedies used for treatment of hair and scalp and their methods of preparation in the West Bank-Palestine, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.