- 美しい髪のための8つの自家製ココナッツオイルシャンプーレシピ
- 1.簡単な自家製ココナッツシャンプー
- 2.保湿pHバランスシャンプー
- 3.ココナッツとハニーシャンプー
- 4.フケ問題のためのココナッツオイルシャンプー
- 5. Coconut Milk Shampoo
- 6. Dry Coconut Shampoo
- 7. Coconut Shampoo And Conditioner Combo
- 8. Coconut Deep Conditioner For Curls
- Coconut Hair Spray
- Benefits
- 9つのソース
- 3/4カップの水
- ½カップのカスティーリャ石鹸
- 食塩小さじ2
- ココナッツオイル大さじ2
- ホホバオイル小さじ2
- ココナッツフレグランスオイル20滴
- 電子レンジ対応のボウルに水を注ぎ、電子レンジで30分ほど加熱します。
- カスティーリャ石鹸を注ぎ、泡をあまり出さずにやさしくブレンドします。
- 塩を加えてよく混ぜます。
- 最後に、油を加え、よく溶けるまでかき混ぜます。
- これをスクイズボトルに保管し、必要に応じて使用してください。
- 1½カップのココナッツオイル
- 1¾カップアロエベラジェル
- 香りのよいエッセンシャルオイル20滴
- ワイヤー泡立て器でボウルに油とゲルを混ぜます。
- これを瓶に注ぎ、冷蔵します。
- ココナッツオイル1カップ
- 1カップのアロエベラジェル
- ¼カップの蒸留水
- 生の蜂蜜大さじ2
- 小さじ1杯のラベンダーエッセンシャルオイル
- ローズマリーエッセンシャルオイル小さじ1
- ½カップの液体カスティール石鹸(泡のないシャンプーで大丈夫な場合は、これを省略することもできます)
- 小さじ1杯のアボカドオイル(乾いた髪の場合に使用)
- 蜂蜜が均一に混ざるまで、ぬるま湯でゆっくりとかき混ぜます。
- 石鹸を除いて残りの材料を加え、よく混ぜます。
- 石鹸を入れてかき混ぜますが、あまりやりすぎないでください。不要な泡が発生します。
- これをスクイズボトルに注ぎ、冷凍庫に保管します。
Coconut oil can penetrate the hair shaft and disintegrate fungi, preventing dandruff. Coconut oil has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which may help keep fungal infections and dandruff at bay (5), (6). The key to getting rid of dandruff is soothing the scalp using essential oils (7).
You Will Need
- ½ cup coconut milk
- 1 cup liquid soap
- ½ cup glycerine
- 4 teaspoons coconut oil
- 10 drops of essential oil (buy the therapeutic grade for best quality)
What You Need To Do
- Combine the coconut oil and glycerine in one bowl, and soap and milk in another.
- Slowly trickle in the oil mixture in the soap and milk mixture. Stir it to mix well.
- Add the essential oil and store it in a shampoo bottle.
Again, like the coconut and honey shampoo, this one also separates on sitting out for long. Shake it before using it. You can skip the glycerine in the recipe, but it does give the shampoo a thicker consistency. It also makes the hair much softer. However, you can skip it if it makes your hair sticky.
5. Coconut Milk Shampoo
Coconut milk contains plenty of healthy proteins and nutrients (8). These nourish the hair and give it a luscious texture.
You Will Need
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 1/3 cup olive oil
- Hot water
What You Need To Do
- Mix the oil and milk.
- Massage the mixture onto your scalp for a few minutes and leave it for better absorption.
- It creates a sticky, mask-like layer. Rinse it with hot water. It cleans the scalp very well and removes dirt, excess sebum, and dandruff.
6. Dry Coconut Shampoo
Sometimes, transitioning from work to party means spending a precious hour on shampooing, blow-drying, and styling. These are the times when you need a hassle-free dry shampoo. However, dry shampoo also contains lots of chemicals. If you want a nourishing shampoo, it is best to switch to your own DIY dry coconut shampoo.
You Will Need
- 4 tablespoons organic cinnamon bark powder
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1 tablespoon coconut milk powder
- 1 tablespoon finely powdered oatmeal
- 10 drops of lavender oil (or an essential oil of your choice)
What You Need To Do
- Combine the powders with a whisk.
- Add the essential oil and mix.
- Use a large makeup (blush) brush and dust your hair and scalp with the powder.
- Comb your hair to get rid of excess powder.
The cinnamon and coconut milk powder act as a conditioner, so the result is thick, shiny hair that smells heavenly.
7. Coconut Shampoo And Conditioner Combo
Coconut oil is really good for your hair texture.
You Will Need
- 1 cup Dr. Bronner Castile soap (it contains organic oils and vitamin E and is natural)
- 3/4 cup coconut oil
- 20 drops of coconut fragrance
- 10 drops of vanilla extract
What You Need To Do
- Mix the oil and soap gently to prevent lathering.
- Add the fragrance and extract to add a nutty and exotic fragrance to your shampoo.
- Store in the fridge in an old, empty shampoo bottle. It lasts for a month.
8. Coconut Deep Conditioner For Curls
You Will Need
- ¼ cup coconut milk
- 2 tablespoons coconut oil
- 2 tablespoons raw honey
- 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
- 5 drops of lavender essential oil
What You Need To Do
- Mix the milk, oil, honey, and yogurt in a blender until a smooth viscous cream is obtained.
- Add the essential oil and fold through the cream.
- Part your hair into sections and dab some of the conditioner onto your hair.
- When the entire hair is covered, comb it through.
- Let this sit for nearly an hour. After that, shower as normal.
Hair sprays are full of chemicals, but at times, their uses far outweigh their disadvantages. Hence, you can make this easy DIY coconut oil hair spray.
Coconut Hair Spray
You Will Need
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 2 cups distilled water
- 5 drops of coconut fragrance
What You Need To Do
- Use a hand blender to combine the coconut oil and water in an emulsion.
- Once the emulsion is formed, stir the coconut fragrance and store it in an aerosol bottle.
- Shake well before using, in case the emulsion has separated. Spray lightly onto frizzy hair for best results.
There are various benefits of coconut oil, such as:
- It reduces hair loss. It has been used as a hair loss treatment in India for centuries. It improves the quality of hair and strengthens the roots.
- It helps in cooling down the scalp. If the scalp sweats too much, the sweat and the sebum clump together with dandruff and dirt to form a thick, smelly layer of debris on the scalp. This damages the hair and prevents the natural oils from reaching the tip of the hair. As a result, you have dull, undernourished hair. Coconut oil shampoo reduces sweating and also helps in getting rid of dandruff.
- Coconut oil helps in retaining moisture. If you live in a hot climate, the moisture in your hair evaporates easily. Dry, frizzy hair is very normal in these conditions. Using coconut oil prevents this.
- Coconut oil is a better conditioner than most of the chemical ones available from high-end hair care brands (9). Coconut oil keeps your hair shiny and soft throughout the day and even later.
- Most of the anti-dandruff shampoos contain coconut oil for a reason. Coconut oil massages treat dandruff and also keep it at bay.
- Coconut oil melts on heating and solidifies when cold. As a result, it makes styling the hair much easier. When you massage it on the scalp, your body heat melts it and helps it spread quickly. When rubbed on the hair, it becomes more viscous and acts like a styling cream or gel.
- It protects the hair from lice infestation. The lice treatment formulas contain harsh chemicals that may damage hair. Using coconut oil smoothes the hair so that the consequent combing for nits and lice becomes easier.
- 冬の間、頭皮に沸騰する人もいます。これは、太陽の下で長時間外出している場合にも発生する可能性があります。ココナッツオイルでマッサージすると、これらの沸騰を防ぎ、すばやく弾けます。
- スプリットエンドは髪の成長を減速させます。したがって、定期的にトリミングする必要があります。ココナッツオイルの定期的な塗布は、枝毛を完全に防ぐのに役立ちます。
- ココナッツオイルはまた、髪の早すぎる白髪を防ぎます。
Stylecrazeには厳格な調達ガイドラインがあり、査読済みの研究、学術研究機関、および医師会に依存しています。3次参照の使用は避けます。編集ポリシーを読むことで、コンテンツが正確で最新であることを保証する方法について詳しく知ることができます。- Wallace, Taylor C. “Health Effects of Coconut Oil-A Narrative Review of Current Evidence.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 38,2 (2019): 97-107.
- Rele, Aarti S, and R B Mohile. “Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage.” Journal of cosmetic science 54,2 (2003): 175-92.
- D’Souza, Paschal, and Sanjay K Rathi. “Shampoo and Conditioners: What a Dermatologist Should Know?.” Indian journal of dermatology 60,3 (2015): 248-54.
- Gavazzoni Dias, Maria Fernanda Reis et al. “The Shampoo pH can Affect the Hair: Myth or Reality?.” International journal of trichology 6,3 (2014): 95-9.
- Ogbolu, D O et al. “In vitro antimicrobial properties of coconut oil on Candida species in Ibadan, Nigeria.” Journal of medicinal food 10,2 (2007): 384-7.
- Shilling, Michael et al. “Antimicrobial effects of virgin coconut oil and its medium-chain fatty acids on Clostridium difficile.” Journal of medicinal food 16,12 (2013): 1079-85.
- Ali, Babar, et al. “Essential Oils Used in Aromatherapy: A Systemic Review.” Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine , 10 July 2015.
- Patil, Umesh & Benjakul, Soottawat. (2018). Coconut Milk and Coconut Oil: Their Manufacture Associated with Protein Functionality. Journal of Food Science .
- Rele, A S and R B Mohile. “Effect of coconut oil on prevention of hair damage. Part I.” (1999).